Most Affordable Condo Communities in Belvidere, IL

We have calculated the most affordable condo buildings/communities in Belvidere based on the median sale prices of homes. The Belvidere condo buildings/communities with the lowest average home sale price was Logan Square with an average of $182,101. All the Belvidere condo buildings are listed below with links to view the homes for sale in the buildings.

Logan Square

Least Expensive Condos for Sale in Belvidere

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Condo Communities in Belvidere

Community Median Price

Logan Square

Logan Square is located in Belvidere on Genoa west of I90. Logan Square is a condo, single-family home, and townhouse community in Belvidere, Illinois, built between 2004 and 2008 by Howlett Construction. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,202 ft2 to 2,459 ft2. The average annual property tax for Logan Square is $4,269.26. It is located in Boone county.
Median Price: $182,101
Sold Homes

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