Subdivisions & Condo Buildings in Brookfield, IL

Listed below are all the subdivisions and buildings in Brookfield with median sale prices for each community. We've also included some recent sales in some of those communities.

Top Subdivisions/Buildings

We have calculated the top communities in Brookfield based on the median sale prices of homes. The Brookfield community with the highest average home sale price was Brookfield Manor with an average of $492,277.50.

Brookfield Manor
North Brookfield
Portia Manor
Prairie Square
Brookfield Terrace
Brooke Court

Most Recent Homes for Sale in Brookfield

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All Subdivisions/Condo Buildings in Brookfield

Community Median Price

Brooke Court

Brooke Court is a condominium building built in 1963. Brooke Court is located in Brookfield, Illinois on 31st Street east of Maple Avenue. Brooke Court is a condo, single-family home, and townhouse community in Brookfield, Illinois, built between 1950 and 1963. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes have an average size of 1,053 ft2. The average annual property tax for Brooke Court is $5,177.28. It is located in Cook county.
Median Price: $210,000

Brookfield Manor

Brookfield Manor is a single famly home subdivision. Brookfield Manor is located in Brookfield, Illinois south of 31st Street and east of Maple Avenue. Brookfield Manor is a single-family home community in Brookfield, Illinois, built between 1923 and 1954. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Brookfield Manor is $7,565.58. It is located in Cook county.
Median Price: $492,278

Brookfield Terrace

Brookfield Terrace is a condominium building built in 2004. Brookfield Terrace is located in Brookfield, Illinois at 8822 Brookfield Avenue just east of Prairie Avenue. Brookfield Terrace is a condo building in Brookfield, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Cook county.
Median Price: $284,900

Congress Park

Congress Park is a single family home subdivision. Congress Park is located in Brookfield, Illinois south of Ogden and west of Maple Avenue. Congress Park is a single-family home community in Brookfield, Illinois, built between 1951 and 1956. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,004 ft2 to 1,800 ft2. The average annual property tax for Congress Park is $5,470.54. It is located in Cook county.

Forest Avenue Townhomes

Forest Avenue Townhomes were built in the early 2000's. Forest Avenue Townhomes are located in Brookfield, Illinois on Forest Avenue north of Brookfield Avenue. Forest Avenue Townhomes is a subdivision in Brookfield, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Cook county.

Forest Grove

Forest Grove is a condominium complex built in the late 1970's. Forest Grove is located in Brookfield, Illinois on 45th Place west of 1st Avenue and north of 47th Street. Forest Grove is a subdivision in Brookfield, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Cook county.


Hollywood is a single family home subdivision. Hollywood is located in Brookfield, Illinois south of Washington Avenue and west of 1st Avenue. Hollywood is a single-family home community in Brookfield, Illinois, built between 1920 and 1960. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,154 ft2 to 2,860 ft2. The average annual property tax for Hollywood is $8,724.97. It is located in Cook county.
Median Price: $385,000

North Brookfield

North Brookfield is a single family home subdivision. North Brookfield is located in Brookfield, Illinois north of 31st Street and east of Maple Avenue. North Brookfield is a single-family home and townhouse community in Brookfield, Illinois, built between 1922 and 2002. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 872 ft2 to 1,935 ft2. The average annual property tax for North Brookfield is $7,753.59. It is located in Cook county.
Median Price: $370,950

Pacific Press

Pacific Press is a loft-style condo building built in 1916. Pacifica Press is located in Brookfield, Illinois north of Brookfield Avenue on Grand Blvd. Pacific Press is a subdivision in Brookfield, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Cook county.

Portia Manor

Portia Manor is a single family home subdivision. Portia Manor is located in Brookfield, Illinois north of Ogden Avenue and west of Maple Avenue. Portia Manor is a single-family home community in Brookfield, Illinois, built between 1927 and 1953. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,000 ft2 to 3,162 ft2. The average annual property tax for Portia Manor is $8,033.85. It is located in Cook county.
Median Price: $360,000

Prairie Square

Prairie Square is a condominium building built starting in 2006. Prairie Square are located in Brookfield, Illinois at 8900 W. 31st Street. Prairie Square is a townhouse community in Brookfield, Illinois, built between 2006 and 2007. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes have an average size of 1,960 ft2. The average annual property tax for Prairie Square is $10,881.31. It is located in Cook county.
Median Price: $332,000

Village Square

Village Square is a town home community built in the 1990s by Hutchinson Homes. Village Square is located in Brookfield, Illinois on Plainfield and Prairie. Village Square is a townhouse community in Brookfield, Illinois, built in 1991. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes have an average size of 1,393 ft2. The average annual property tax for Village Square is $4,887.99. It is located in Cook county.


Williamsburg is a townhouse community built in the early 1970's. Williamsburg is located in Brookfield, Illinois east of Prairie Avenue off of Plainfield Road. Williamsburg is a single-family home community in Brookfield, Illinois, built in 1973. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes have an average size of 1,320 ft2. The average annual property tax for Williamsburg is $6,030. It is located in Cook county.
Median Price: $306,000
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