We have calculated the most affordable condo buildings/communities in Evanston based on the median sale prices of homes. The Evanston condo buildings/communities with the lowest average home sale price was Sherman Gardens with an average of $107,500. All the Evanston condo buildings are listed below with links to view the homes for sale in the buildings.
Sherman Gardens | |
Hinman House | |
Fountain Court | |
Parkside Condominiums | |
Ridge Davis Coop | |
St Francis Courts | |
Corinthian Condominiums | |
Mulford House | |
Ridgeview Tower | |
Reba Place Condominiums |
Community | Median Price |
AthertonAtherton is a vintage condominium community built in 1920. Atherton is located in Evanston, Illinois on Sheridan Road south of Keeney Street. Atherton is a condo community in Evanston, Illinois, built in 1920. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Atherton is $4,737.14. It is located in Cook county. |
$370,000 |
Chicago Avenue PlaceChicago Avenue Place is a 162 unit condo complex built in the early 2000's. Chicago Avenue Place is located on Chicago Avenue south of Hamilton Street in Evanston, Illinois. Chicago Avenue Place is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 2001 and 2004. It currently has 2 condos for sale with an average list price of $305,000. The homes range in size from 661 ft2 to 1,616 ft2. The average annual property tax for Chicago Avenue Place is $5,537.41. It is located in Cook county. |
$282,500 |
Church Street StationChurch Street Station is a condo high-rise built in 2002. CHurch Street Station is located in Evanston, Illinois south of Church Street at 1640 Maple. Church Street Station is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 2002 and 2003. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 831 ft2 to 2,138 ft2. The average annual property tax for Church Street Station is $8,711.42. It is located in Cook county. |
$501,000 |
Corinthian CondominiumsCorinthian Condominiums is a 33 unit condo building built in the late 1950s. Corinthian Condominiums are located in Evanston, Illinois on Sherman Avenue and Noyes Street. Corinthian Condominiums is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1949 and 1959. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 971 ft2 to 1,000 ft2. The average annual property tax for Corinthian Condominiums is $2,353.28. It is located in Cook county. |
$175,000 |
Drake ManorDrake Manor is a 40 unit condo building built in the 1970's. Drake Manor is located at 9201 and 9221 Drake in Evanston, Illinois. Drake Manor is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1970 and 1979. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Drake Manor is $4,245.46. It is located in Cook county. |
$328,500 |
Elmwood PlaceElmwood Place is a condominium community built in 1918. Elmwood Place is located in Evanston, Illinois north of Oakton Street and east of Ridge Avenue. Elmwood Place is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1916 and 1925. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Elmwood Place is $4,105.33. It is located in Cook county. |
$250,000 |
Enclave CondominiumsEnclave Condominiums were built in the late 1990s. Enclave Condominiums are located in Evanston, Illinois on Prairie Road north of Church Street. Enclave Condominiums is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1997 and 1999. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Enclave Condominiums is $4,213.29. It is located in Cook county. |
$315,000 |
Evanston GalleriaEvanston Galleria is a condominium complex built in 1920. Evanston Galleria is located in Evanston, Illinois at the Northwest corner of Sherman Avenue and Church Street at 807 Church. Evanston Galleria is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1926 and 2002. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 850 ft2 to 900 ft2. The average annual property tax for Evanston Galleria is $5,174.31. It is located in Cook county. |
$250,000 |
Forest CourtForest Court is a condominium complex built in the early 1920s. Forest Court is located in Evanston, Illinois on Forest Avenue south of Main Street. Forest Court is a condo community in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1900 and 1924. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Forest Court is $4,946.65. It is located in Cook county. |
$340,000 |
Fountain CourtFountain Court is a condominium complex built in the 1920s. Fountain Court is located in Evanston, Illinois on Hinman Avenue between Main Street and Kedzie Avenue. Fountain Court is a condo community in Evanston, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 648 ft2 to 1,500 ft2. The average annual property tax for Fountain Court is $2,921.97. It is located in Cook county. |
$130,000 |
Garden RidgeGarden Ridge is a 39 unit condo building in Evanston, Illinois. Garden Ridge is located on Ridge Avenue and Greenbay Road at 1834 Ridge. Garden Ridge is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 847 ft2 to 1,380 ft2. The average annual property tax for Garden Ridge is $4,716.08. It is located in Cook county. |
$251,500 |
Hinman GardensHinman Gardens is a 32 unit condominium building built in 1920. Hinman Gardens is located in Evanston, Illinois at 680 Hinman Avenue. Hinman Gardens is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1920 and 1931. It currently has 1 condo for sale with a list price of $225,000. The average annual property tax for Hinman Gardens is $6,349.66. It is located in Cook county. |
$317,450 |
Hinman HouseHinman House is a condominium complex built in the early to mid 1960s. Hinman House is located in Evanston, Illinois on Hinman Avenue north of Lake Street and east of Chicago Avenue at 1516 Hinman. Hinman House is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1962 and 1963. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 550 ft2 to 1,200 ft2. The average annual property tax for Hinman House is $2,186.39. It is located in Cook county. |
$124,000 |
Lakeview TerraceLakeview Terrace is a condominium complex built in the late 1970s. Lakeview Terrace is located in Evanston, Illinois on Chicago Avenue north of Church Street at 1738 Chicago. Lakeview Terrace is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1978 and 1979. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,145 ft2 to 1,248 ft2. The average annual property tax for Lakeview Terrace is $5,247.79. It is located in Cook county. |
$347,000 |
Maple CourtMaple Court is a condominium complex built in 1915. Maple Court is located in Evanston, Illinois on Maple Avenue south of Dempster. Maple Court is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1915 and 1954. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 900 ft2 to 1,300 ft2. The average annual property tax for Maple Court is $4,212.04. It is located in Cook county. |
$274,000 |
Mulford HouseMulford House is a 51 unit condo building built in the 1960s. Mulford House is located on Mulford Street and Ridge Avenue at 250 Ridge in Evanston, Illinois. Mulford House is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built in 1964. It currently has 1 condo for sale with a list price of $299,000. The homes range in size from 750 ft2 to 1,400 ft2. The average annual property tax for Mulford House is $3,237.07. It is located in Cook county. |
$175,000 |
Normandy CondominiumsNormandy Condominiums were built in 1958. Normandy Condominiums are located in Evanston, Illinois on Central Street west of Green Bay Road. Normandy Condominiums is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1957 and 1958. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,000 ft2 to 1,030 ft2. The average annual property tax for Normandy Condominiums is $2,804.70. It is located in Cook county. |
$260,000 |
North PointeNorth Pointe is a condo community built in 1990 in Evanston, Illinois. North Point is located on Wellington Court and Gross Point Road. North Pointe is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1990 and 1997. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,098 ft2 to 2,681 ft2. The average annual property tax for North Pointe is $6,259.81. It is located in Cook county. |
$332,500 |
NorthLight CondominiumsNorthlight Condominiums were built in the late 1990s. Northlight Condominiums are located in Evanston, Illinois at 811 Chicago Avenue just south of Main Street. NorthLight Condominiums is a condo community in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1997 and 1998. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,064 ft2 to 1,437 ft2. The average annual property tax for NorthLight Condominiums is $4,969.77. It is located in Cook county. |
$401,500 |
Oak Court CondominiumsOak Court Condominiums is a 69 unit condo building built in the 1980s. Oak Court Condominiums is located at 1501-1503 Oak in Evanston, Illinois. Oak Court Condominiums is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Cook county. |
$405,000 |
Oakton GableOakton Gable is a condominium community built in the late 1920's. Oakton Gables is located in Evanston, Illinois south of Oakton St. and east of Ridge Ave. Oakton Gable is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1927 and 1928. It currently has 1 condo for sale with a list price of $150,000. The homes range in size from 1,000 ft2 to 1,240 ft2. The average annual property tax for Oakton Gable is $2,019.57. It is located in Cook county. |
$205,000 |
One EvanstonOne Evanston is a high-rise condominium complex built in 2009. One Evanston is located in Evanston, Illinois at 1570 Elmwood which is east of Ridge Avenue and south of Church Street. One Evanston is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 2009 and 2011. It currently has 2 condos for sale with an average list price of $507,000. The homes range in size from 794 ft2 to 1,489 ft2. The average annual property tax for One Evanston is $9,509.55. It is located in Cook county. |
$445,000 |
Optima HorizonsOptima Horizons is a high rise condominium building which was built in 2004. Optima Horizons is located in Evanston, Illinois at 800 Elgin Road south of Emerson Street and east of Ridge Avenue. Optima Horizons is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 2000 and 2006. It currently has 3 condos for sale with an average list price of $588,333.33. The homes range in size from 737 ft2 to 2,862 ft2. The average annual property tax for Optima Horizons is $7,291.18. It is located in Cook county. |
$380,000 |
Optima TowersOptima Towers is a condo building built in 2002 by Optima Inc. Optima Towers is located at 1580 Sherman Avenue in Evanston, Illinois. Optima Towers is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1997 and 2002. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Optima Towers is $6,970.95. It is located in Cook county. |
$399,500 |
Optima ViewsOptima Views is a 28 story condominium building built in 2003. Optima Views is located in Evanston, Illinois at 1720 Maple Avenue . Optima Views is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 2000 and 2004 by Optima. It currently has 3 condos for sale with an average list price of $448,000. The homes range in size from 700 ft2 to 3,300 ft2. The average annual property tax for Optima Views is $8,306.92. It is located in Cook county. |
$431,250 |
Parkside CondominiumsParkside Condominiums were built in the mid 1950s. Parkside Condominiums are located in Evanston, Illinois on Dobson Street east of Ridge Avenue and north of Howard Street. Parkside Condominiums is a subdivision in Evanston, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Cook county. |
$137,000 |
Reba Place CondominiumsReba Place Condominiums were built in the 1960s. Reba Place Condominiums are located in Evanston, Illinois is on Reba Place east of Ridge Avenue and north of Oakton Street. Reba Place Condominiums is a condo community in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1924 and 1964. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 850 ft2 to 1,800 ft2. The average annual property tax for Reba Place Condominiums is $3,517.35. It is located in Cook county. |
$201,888 |
Renaissance RidgeRenaissance Ridge is a condominium complex built in the 1920's. Renaissance Ridge is located in Evanston, Illinois at Main Street and Ridge Avenue. Renaissance Ridge is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1922 and 1930. It currently has 1 condo for sale with a list price of $315,000. The homes range in size from 1,098 ft2 to 1,907 ft2. The average annual property tax for Renaissance Ridge is $6,706.28. It is located in Cook county. |
$365,000 |
Ridge Davis CoopRidge Davis Coop is a condominium complex built in 1949. Ridge Davis Coop is located in Evanston, Illinois at 1585 Ridge Avenue which is at the corner of Ridge and Davis Street. Ridge Davis Coop is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Cook county. |
$149,900 |
Ridge TerraceRidge Terrace is a 33 unit condominium complex built in the early to mid 1960s. Ridge Terrace is located in Evanston, Illinois on Ridge Avenue and Washington Street at 835 Ridge Avenue. Ridge Terrace is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1962 and 1966. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes have an average size of 1,100 ft2. The average annual property tax for Ridge Terrace is $2,495.48. It is located in Cook county. |
$215,000 |
Ridgeview TowerRidgeview Tower is a 52 unit condo building built in the 1960s. Ridgeview Tower is located on Ridge Avenue and Grove Street at 1567 Ridge in Evanston, Illinois. Ridgeview Tower is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1966 and 1969. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 700 ft2 to 1,575 ft2. The average annual property tax for Ridgeview Tower is $3,190.19. It is located in Cook county. |
$178,000 |
Sheridan SquareSheridan Square is a 31 unit vintage condo building built in the early 1920's. Sheridan Square is located in Evanston, Illinois at 622 Sheridan Square. Sheridan Square is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1920 and 1927. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 850 ft2 to 1,488 ft2. The average annual property tax for Sheridan Square is $5,169.62. It is located in Cook county. |
$525,000 |
Sherman GardensSherman Gardens is a condominium complex built in the late 1940s. Sherman Gardens is located in Evanston, Illinois on Sherman Avenue and Emerson Street. Sherman Gardens is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1946 and 1947. It currently has . The average annual property tax for Sherman Gardens is $1,178.31. It is located in Cook county. |
$107,500 |
Sherman PlaceSherman Place is a condominium complex built in the late 1920s. Sherman Place is located in Evanston, Illinois on the northwest corner of Sherman Ave. and Reba Place. Sherman Place is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built in 1928. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Sherman Place is $5,251.56. It is located in Cook county. |
$257,500 |
Sherman PlazaSherman Plaza is a high rise condominium complex built in 2006. Sherman Plaza is located in downtown Evanston, Illinois is on Davis Street just east of Sherman Avenue at 807 Davis. It features 24-hour doorman, concierge, athletic club, storage, party room, walking distance to shops, restaurants, "L" stop. Sherman Plaza is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 2002 and 2007. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 876 ft2 to 2,024 ft2. The average annual property tax for Sherman Plaza is $10,224.53. It is located in Cook county. |
$720,000 |
SiennaSienna is a condominium complex built in 2006 and 2007. Sienna is located in Evanston, Illinois at 1720-1740 Oak Avenue just north of Church Street. Sienna is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 2006 and 2007. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 613 ft2 to 1,602 ft2. The average annual property tax for Sienna is $4,876.72. It is located in Cook county. |
$229,500 |
SissillaSissilla is a vintage condominium complex built in the early 1920s. Sissilla is located in Evanston, Illinois on Central Street west of Ridge Avenue. Sissilla is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built in 1924. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 711 ft2 to 1,000 ft2. The average annual property tax for Sissilla is $2,840.39. It is located in Cook county. |
$205,000 |
St Francis CourtsSt Francis Courts is a condominium community built in the 1920's. St Francis Courts are located in Evanston, Illinois on Ridge Avenue and Hull Terrace. St Francis Courts is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1920 and 1928. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 650 ft2 to 1,620 ft2. The average annual property tax for St Francis Courts is $2,786.40. It is located in Cook county. |
$163,000 |
Stoneleigh CourtsStoneleigh Courts is a condominium complex built in the 1920s. Stoneleigh Courts is located in Evanston, Illinois on Judson Ave. and Kedzie Ave. Stoneleigh Courts is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1926 and 1927. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Stoneleigh Courts is $5,643.98. It is located in Cook county. |
$435,000 |
The CarlisleThe Carlisle is a 23 unit condominium building built in 1920s. The Carlisle is located in Evanston, Illinois at 713-719 Mulford Street east of Ridge Avenue. The Carlisle is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Cook county. |
$215,000 |
The EdmundtonThe Edmundton is a condominium building that was built in 1998. The Edmundton is located in Evanston, Illinois on Chicago Avenue 1 block north of Dempster Street at 1319 Chicago Avenue. The Edmundton is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built in 1998. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes have an average size of 900 ft2. The average annual property tax for The Edmundton is $4,773.78. It is located in Cook county. |
$285,000 |
The Evanshire at FosterThe Evanshire at Foster is a 14 unit condo building built in 2005. The Evanshire at Foster is located at 819 & 821 Foster Street in Evanston, Illinois. The Evanshire at Foster is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Cook county. |
$499,900 |
Tower CourtTower Court is a condominium community built in the 1920s. Tower Court is located in Evanston, Illinois on Sheridan Road and Sheridan Square. Tower Court is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1920 and 1928. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Tower Court is $4,648.77. It is located in Cook county. |
$325,000 |
Washington ManorWashington Manor is a 16 unit vintage condo building built in the early 1920's. Washington Manor is located in Evanston, Illinois at 834 Washington Street south of Main Street and east of Ridge Avenue. Washington Manor is a condo building in Evanston, Illinois, built between 1920 and 1928. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,100 ft2 to 1,450 ft2. The average annual property tax for Washington Manor is $3,907.91. It is located in Cook county. |
$246,750 |
HomesByMarco agents are experts in the area. If you're looking to buy or sell a home, give us a call today at 888-326-2726.