Subdivisions & Condo Buildings in Green Oaks, IL

Listed below are all the subdivisions and buildings in Green Oaks with median sale prices for each community. We've also included some recent sales in some of those communities.

Top Subdivisions/Buildings

We have calculated the top communities in Green Oaks based on the median sale prices of homes. The Green Oaks community with the highest average home sale price was Lake Somerset with an average of $1,175,000.

Lake Somerset
Saddle Hill

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All Subdivisions/Condo Buildings in Green Oaks

Community Median Price
Arbor Lakes

Arbor Lakes

Arbor Lakes is a subdivision of single family homes built by The Fantasia Group in the mid 2010s. Arbor Lakes is located in Green Oaks, Illinois north of Route 137 (Buckley Road) and west of I-94. Arbor Lakes is a subdivision in Green Oaks, Illinois, built by Meridian Porter. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Lake county.


Brookhaven is a single family home neighborhood built in the late 1990s by Residential Homes of America. Brookhaven features 68 homes with six floor plans ranging from 2,400 to 3,500 square feet of living space. Brookhaven is located just west of the Tri-State Tollway at the Buckley Road in Green Oaks, Illinois. Brookhaven is a single-family home community in Green Oaks (Libertyville), Illinois, built between 1998 and 2000 by Residential Homes of America. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 2,432 ft2 to 3,522 ft2. The average annual property tax for Brookhaven is $12,408.30. It is located in Lake county.


Creekside is a single family community built in the early 2000's. Creekside is located in Green Oaks, Illinois on Creekside Path west of O'Plaine Road and north of Guerin Road. Creekside is a single-family home community in Green Oaks (Libertyville), Illinois, built in 2002. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 5,591 ft2 to 7,967 ft2. The average annual property tax for Creekside is $32,311.25. It is located in Lake county.
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Equestrian Oaks

Equestrian Oaks is a single family neighborhood built in the mid 1980's by the Towne Development Group. Equestrian Oaks is built on land once owned by the Florsheim family. Equestrian Oaks is located in Green Oaks, Illinois east of O'Plaine Road and north of Route 137. Equestrian Oaks is a single-family home community in Green Oaks (Libertyville), Illinois, built between 1983 and 1986. It currently has 1 single family home for sale with a list price of $679,000. The homes range in size from 2,243 ft2 to 2,588 ft2. The average annual property tax for Equestrian Oaks is $10,325.68. It is located in Lake county.
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Fairwell Estates

Fairwell Estates is a single family neighborhood built in the early 2000s. Fairwell Estates is located in Green Oaks, Illinois on St. Marys north of Route 176. Fairwell Estates is a subdivision in Green Oaks, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Lake county.
Forest Cove

Forest Cove

Forest Cove is a 44 single family home community built in 1996 by Lexington Homes. Forest Cove features five floor plans ranging from 2,406 to 3,600 square feet of living space. Forest Cove is located just east of the Tri-State Tollway and north or Route 176 in the Village of Green Oaks, Illinois. Forest Cove is a subdivision in Green Oaks, Illinois, built by Lexington Homes. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Lake county.
Forest Glen

Forest Glen

Forest Glen is a single family custom built homes built in the early 2000's. Forest Glen is located in Green Oaks, Illinois north Atkinson Road and east of St. Mary's Road. Forest Glen is a single-family home community in Green Oaks (Libertyville), Illinois, built between 1993 and 2001. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 3,171 ft2 to 7,770 ft2. The average annual property tax for Forest Glen is $20,880.75. It is located in Lake county.
Forest Lake

Forest Lake

Forest Lake is a single family community built in the mid 1990s by Avis Development. Forest Lake features 21 homes on 1/2 to 1 acre lots with floor plans ranging from about 2,800 to 4,000 square feet of living space. Forest Lake is located in Green Oaks, Illinois on Route 176 east of St. Marys Road. Forest Lake is a subdivision in Green Oaks, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Lake county.
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Greenbrier is a custom single family home neighborhood on 2 or more acre lots. Greenbrier features 55 homes with floor plans ranging from 3,000 to more than 6,000 square feet of living space. Greenbrier is located in Green Oaks, Illinois on St. Marys Road north of Route 176. Greenbrier is a single-family home community in Green Oaks (Libertyville), Illinois, built between 1973 and 1995. It currently has 1 single family home for sale with a list price of $1,150,000. The homes range in size from 3,917 ft2 to 5,732 ft2. The average annual property tax for Greenbrier is $17,992.42. It is located in Lake county.
Lake Somerset

Lake Somerset

Lake Somerset is a single family neighborhood built in the mid 1990s. Lake Somerset features 45 custom homes with one half acre lots or larger with deep yards, professional landscaping, mature trees and green space. Lake Somerset is located in Green Oaks, Illinois on O'Plaine north of Route 137. Lake Somerset is a single-family home community in Green Oaks (Libertyville), Illinois, built between 1995 and 1997. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 3,373 ft2 to 5,983 ft2. The average annual property tax for Lake Somerset is $19,765.09. It is located in Lake county.
Median Price: $1,175,000
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Meadow Haven

Meadow Haven is a single family neighborhood built in the 1960's. Meadow Haven is located in Green Oaks, Illinois west of O'Plaine Road and north of Guerin Road. Meadow Haven is a subdivision in Green Oaks, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Lake county.
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Reigate Woods

The Estates of Reigate Woods is a single family neighborhood built starting in 1995 by the Meister Group. Reigate Woods features 82 homes. Reigate Woods is located in Green Oaks, Illinois east of O'Plaine Road and north of Buckley Road. Reigate Woods is a single-family home community in Green Oaks (Libertyville), Illinois, built between 1994 and 2000 by Meister Group. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 3,170 ft2 to 4,381 ft2. The average annual property tax for Reigate Woods is $17,233.32. It is located in Lake county.
Saddle Hill

Saddle Hill

Saddle Hill is a single family home neighborhood built in the 1980s. Saddle Hill is located in Green Oaks, Illinois east of St. Mary's Road and south of Route 137. Saddle Hill is a single-family home community in Green Oaks, Illinois, built between 1981 and 1990. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Saddle Hill is $14,630.90. It is located in Lake county.
Median Price: $660,000
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Tantara is a single family home neighborhood built in the mid-to-late 1990s by Pinkus. Tantara features 54 homes with six floor plans ranging from 2,566 to 3,594 square feet of living space. Tantara is located in Green Oaks, Illinois on Guerin north of Route 137 and O'Plaine Road. Tantara is a single-family home community in Green Oaks (Libertyville), Illinois, built between 1998 and 1999 by Pickus. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 3,314 ft2 to 4,047 ft2. The average annual property tax for Tantara is $14,732.61. It is located in Lake county.
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Thornbury Village

Thornbury Village is a single family neighborhood. Thornbury Village is located in Green Oaks, Illinois north of Route 176 and east of St. Marys Road. Thornbury Village is a subdivision in Green Oaks, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Lake county.
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