We have calculated the most affordable condo buildings/communities in Harwood Heights based on the median sale prices of homes. The Harwood Heights condo buildings/communities with the lowest average home sale price was Oriole Point Condos with an average of $238,000. All the Harwood Heights condo buildings are listed below with links to view the homes for sale in the buildings.
Community | Median Price |
Clock Tower PointeClock Tower Pointe is a 90 unit condo complex built in 2007. Clock Tower Pointe is located two blocks west of Harlem Avenue on the northeast corner of Lawrence and Olcott Avenues at 4811 and 4833 N. Olcott. Clock Tower Pointe is a condo building in Harwood Heights, Illinois, built between 2004 and 2010. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,992 ft2 to 2,110 ft2. The average annual property tax for Clock Tower Pointe is $5,672.25. It is located in Cook county. |
$310,000 |
Courtyards of Harwood HeightsCourtyards of Harwood Heights is a subdivision of condos and single family homes. The condos were built in 1992 and are located at the corner of Lawrence Avenue and Oketo Avenue west of Harlem Avenue. The single family homes are located east of Harlem Avenue and north of Montrose Avenue. Courtyards of Harwood Heights is a condo community in Harwood Heights, Illinois, built between 1991 and 2000. It currently has 3 condos for sale with an average list price of $294,966.67. The homes range in size from 1,200 ft2 to 1,560 ft2. The average annual property tax for Courtyards of Harwood Heights is $3,516.77. It is located in Cook county. |
$285,000 |
Oriole Point CondosBuilt in the late 70s, Oriole Point Condos is located in Harwood Heights on Lawrence west of Harlem. Oriole Point Condos is a condo community in Harwood Heights, Illinois, built between 1977 and 1979. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Oriole Point Condos is $2,348.61. It is located in Cook county. |
$238,000 |
Ridgemoor EstatesRidgemoor Estates is a condo community built in the mid 1990's. Ridgemoor Estates is located in Harwood Heights, Illinois at 6550 W. Gunnison Street west of Nagle Avenue. Ridgemoor Estates is a condo community in Harwood Heights, Illinois, built between 1995 and 1998. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1,200 ft2 to 1,300 ft2. The average annual property tax for Ridgemoor Estates is $3,626.58. It is located in Cook county. |
$293,500 |
HomesByMarco agents are experts in the area. If you're looking to buy or sell a home, give us a call today at 888-326-2726.