Subdivisions & Condo Buildings in Island Lake, IL

Listed below are all the subdivisions and buildings in Island Lake with median sale prices for each community. We've also included some recent sales in some of those communities.

Top Subdivisions/Buildings

We have calculated the top communities in Island Lake based on the median sale prices of homes. The Island Lake community with the highest average home sale price was Highwood Lake Estates with an average of $545,000.

Most Recent Homes for Sale in Island Lake

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All Subdivisions/Condo Buildings in Island Lake

Community Median Price
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Campbell Woods

Campbell Woods is a single family home neighborhood located in Island Lake, Illinois. Campbell Woods is off of Burr Oak Lane and Carriage Hill. Campbell Woods is a subdivision in Island Lake, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Lake county.
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Fox River Shores

Fox River Shores is a townhome and single family neighborhood built in the 1990s. Fox River Shores is located in Island Lake, Illinois. Fox River Shores features homes with floor plans ranging from 1,370 to 1,950 square feet of living space. Fox River Shores is off of west Route 176 and Waterford. Fox River Shores is a single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1985 and 1997. It currently has 1 single family home for sale with a list price of $350,000 and 1 lot for sale with a list price of $37,000. The homes range in size from 1,090 ft2 to 2,998 ft2. The average annual property tax for Fox River Shores is $5,846.50. It is located in McHenry county.
Median Price: $300,000
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Highlands is a single family home neighborhood located in Island Lake, Illinois. Highlands are on Woodland Circle north of Honeysuckle. Highlands is a subdivision in Island Lake, Illinois. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in Lake county.
Highwood Lake Estates

Highwood Lake Estates

Highwood Lake Estates is a single family home neighborhood built in the 1990s. Highwood Lake Estates is located in Island Lake, Illinois on Tulip Circle south of W. Dowell Road and east of River Road. Highwood Lake Estates is a single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1992 and 1995. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 2,109 ft2 to 3,510 ft2. The average annual property tax for Highwood Lake Estates is $10,806.03. It is located in McHenry county.
Median Price: $545,000
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Island Lake Estates

Island Lake Estates is a single family home neighborhood located in Island Lake, Illinois. Island Lake Estates is east and west of Eastway Drive and North of Route 176. Island Lake Estates is a single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1938 and 2021. It currently has 1 lot for sale with a list price of $184,900. The homes range in size from 528 ft2 to 4,048 ft2. The average annual property tax for Island Lake Estates is $5,386.58. It is located in McHenry county.
Median Price: $265,000
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Island Lake Highlands

Island Lake Highlands is a single family home neighborhood located in Island Lake Highlands. Island Lake Highlands is just north of Route 176 on the border of McHenry and Lake Counties. Island Lake Highlands is a single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1937 and 1991. It currently has 2 single family homes for sale with an average list price of $274,950. The homes range in size from 696 ft2 to 1,797 ft2. The average annual property tax for Island Lake Highlands is $4,517.47. It is located in Lake county.
Median Price: $225,000
Mylith Park

Mylith Park

Mylith Park is a single family home neighborhood located in Island Lake, Illinois. Mylith Park is south of Mylith Park Road and east of Beech Street. Mylith Park is a single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1920 and 1980. It currently has 2 single family homes for sale with an average list price of $301,950. The homes range in size from 1,004 ft2 to 2,357 ft2. The average annual property tax for Mylith Park is $3,515.50. It is located in Lake county.
Median Price: $245,000
Nantucket Village

Nantucket Village

Nantucket Village is a single family home neighborhood built in the 1980's. Nantucket Village is located in Island Lake, Illinois east of Waterford Way and south of Route 176. Nantucket Village is a townhouse and single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1985 and 1991. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 701 ft2 to 1,297 ft2. The average annual property tax for Nantucket Village is $3,516.91. It is located in McHenry county.
Median Price: $225,000
Newbury Village

Newbury Village

Newbury Village is a townhouse community built in the 1990's. Newbury Village is located in Island Lake, Illinois south of Burnett Road east of River Road. Newbury Village is a townhouse and single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1991 and 1995. It currently has 1 single family home for sale with a list price of $260,000. The homes range in size from 867 ft2 to 1,313 ft2. The average annual property tax for Newbury Village is $3,709.30. It is located in McHenry county.
Median Price: $235,000
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Pine Ridge

Pine Ridge is a subdivision of custom built single family homes. Pine Ridge is located in Island Lake, Illinois west of Darrell Road and north of Route 176. Pine Ridge is a single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 2004 and 2007. It currently has no homes for sale. The average annual property tax for Pine Ridge is $13,955.67. It is located in Lake county.
Prairie Woods

Prairie Woods

Prairie Woods is a subdivision of single family homes built by Kenneth James Builders in the mid to late 2010's; and K. Hovnanian Homes starting in 2014. Prairie Woods is located in Island Lake, Illinois north of Burnett Road and east of River Road. Prairie Woods is a single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 2006 and 2023. It currently has 1 single family home for sale with a list price of $525,000 and 15 lots for sale with an average list price of $58,640. The homes range in size from 2,376 ft2 to 4,333 ft2. The average annual property tax for Prairie Woods is $6,977.18. It is located in McHenry county.
Median Price: $236,950
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Prairie Woods and Walnut Glen

Prairie Woods and Walnut Glen is a single family home subdivision built by Pulte Homes starting in 2022. Prairie Woods and Walnut Glen is located in Island Lake, Illinois east of River Road and north of Dowell Road off of Walnut Glen Blvd. Prairie Woods and Walnut Glen is a subdivision in Island Lake, Illinois, built by Pulte Homes. It currently has no homes for sale. It is located in McHenry county.
Median Price: $505,000
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Rolling Oaks

Rolling Oaks is a single family home neighborhood. Rolling Oaks is located in Island Lake, Illinois north of Burnett Road and west of Darrell Road. Rolling Oaks is a single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1987 and 2001. It currently has 2 single family homes for sale with an average list price of $454,500. The homes range in size from 2,009 ft2 to 3,730 ft2. The average annual property tax for Rolling Oaks is $10,217.15. It is located in Lake county.
Median Price: $485,000
Southport Village

Southport Village

Southport Village is a townhouse community built in the late 1980's. Southport Village is located in Island Lake, Illinois south of Route 176 and west of Hale Lane. Southport Village is a townhouse and single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1985 and 1991. It currently has 1 single family home for sale with a list price of $235,000. The homes range in size from 867 ft2 to 1,500 ft2. The average annual property tax for Southport Village is $3,954.06. It is located in McHenry county.
Median Price: $235,000
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Walnut Glen

Walnut Glen is a subdivision of single family homes built by William Ryan Homes between 2007 and 2012 and K. Hovnanian Homes starting in 2014. Walnut Glen is located in Island Lake, Illinois west of Darrell Road and north of Burnett Road. Walnut Glen is a single-family home community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 2007 and 2022 by K. Hovnanian Homes and William Ryan Homes. It currently has 1 single family home for sale with a list price of $439,000. The homes range in size from 2,052 ft2 to 3,823 ft2. The average annual property tax for Walnut Glen is $8,927.35. It is located in McHenry county.
Median Price: $459,900
Waters Edge

Waters Edge

Waters Edge is a townhouse community built in the 1990's. Waters Edge is located in Island Lake, Illinois south of Route 176 and west of Darrell Road. Waters Edge is a townhouse and condo community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1999 and 2003. It currently has 1 condo for sale with a list price of $258,000. The homes range in size from 1,360 ft2 to 2,545 ft2. The average annual property tax for Waters Edge is $4,420.44. It is located in Lake county.
Median Price: $250,000


Westridge is a townhome and single family home subdivision built in the 1990s. Westridge is located in Island Lake, Illinois north of Route 176 and west of Darrell Road. Westridge is a single-family home and townhouse community in Island Lake, Illinois, built between 1990 and 1993. It currently has 1 lot for sale with a list price of $1,500,000. The homes range in size from 1,064 ft2 to 4,552 ft2. The average annual property tax for Westridge is $6,074.60. It is located in Lake county.
Median Price: $330,000
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