Most Affordable Condo Communities in Lindenhurst, IL

We have calculated the most affordable condo buildings/communities in Lindenhurst based on the median sale prices of homes. The Lindenhurst condo buildings/communities with the lowest average home sale price was Falling Waters with an average of $226,000. All the Lindenhurst condo buildings are listed below with links to view the homes for sale in the buildings.

Falling Waters
Country Place

Least Expensive Condos for Sale in Lindenhurst

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Condo Communities in Lindenhurst

Community Median Price

Country Place

Country Place is a single family and townhome neighborhood built in the mid-to-late 1990's by Westfield Homes. Country Place features 525 homes. Country Place is located in Lindenhurst, Illinois off of Sand Lake Road, just north on Route 45 of Grand Avenue. Country Place is a single-family home, townhouse, and condo community in Lindenhurst, Illinois, built between 1996 and 2000 by Ryland Homes, Westfield, and Westfield Homes. It currently has 2 single family homes for sale with an average list price of $319,999.50 and 2 condos for sale with an average list price of $234,494. The homes range in size from 1,596 ft2 to 4,237 ft2. The average annual property tax for Country Place is $8,986.09. It is located in Lake county.
Median Price: $262,500

Falling Waters

Falling Waters is a townhouse community built in the late 1990s by Town and Country. Falling Waters features 160 town homes with four floor plans ranging in size from 1,461 square feet to 1,843 square feet. Amenities include a private clubhouse complete with swimming pool, tennis courts, business center, exercise rooms and great room with kitchen. Falling Waters is located in Lindenhurst, Illinois on Route 45 north of Grand Avenue. Falling Waters is a townhouse and condo community in Lindenhurst, Illinois, built between 1998 and 2002. It currently has 1 condo for sale with a list price of $260,000. The homes range in size from 1,203 ft2 to 2,030 ft2. The average annual property tax for Falling Waters is $5,983.74. It is located in Lake county.
Median Price: $226,000
Sold Homes

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