1000 model in The Pines, Gurnee, IL, Real Estate

The 1000 is a model with 3 bedrooms and 2.1 bathrooms.

Other Models in The Pines

Model Beds Baths Size Basement
1002 3 1.1 Yes
1100 2 1.1 Yes
1101 3 1.1 1,498 ft2 Partial
1600 3 2.1 Yes
400 3 2.1 Yes
401 3 2.1 Yes
405 3 2.1 2,100 ft2 Partial
500 4 2.1 Yes
502 4 2.1 2,406 ft2 Full,Partial
5151 3 1.1 Optional
5251 2 1.1 Optional
600 3 2.1 Yes
701 3 2.1 Yes
900 2 2.0 Yes
901 2 2.0 Yes
907 4 4.0 2,177 ft2 Full
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