Clinique model in Ivanhoe Estates, Ivanhoe, IL, Real Estate

The Clinique is a 2 ft2 model with 3 bedrooms and 3.1 bathrooms.

Other Models in Ivanhoe Estates

Model Beds Baths Size Basement
Aston 3 2.1 2,641 ft2 Yes
Berkshire 2 2.1 2 ft2 Yes
Brassie 3 3.1 4 ft2 Yes
Claridge 5 3.1 3 ft2 Yes
Dornoch 1 3.0 2 ft2
Eaton 3 3.0 2,946 ft2 Yes
Farnham 2 2.0 2 ft2 Yes
Ganton 3 3.0 2 ft2 Yes
Hamilton 4 3.1 3,826 ft2 Full,Walkout
Harington 4 3.1 Yes
Normandy 5 5.1 5,200 ft2 Full,Walkout
Olde Saybrooke 5 4.1 4,200 ft2 Yes
Spencer 4 3.1 3,888 ft2 Yes
Thorndale 4 4.1 3,720 ft2 Full,Walkout
Thorngate 3 4.1 Full
Triple Crown 4 3.1
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