Colonial model in Crestview Knolls, Naperville, IL, Real Estate

The Colonial is a 3,224 ft2 model with 4 bedrooms and 2.1 bathrooms. Built by Crestview Builders.

Other Models in Crestview Knolls

Model Beds Baths Size Basement
Appleton 3 2.0 2,265 ft2 Partial
Belmont 4 2.1 2,997 ft2 Yes
Cambridge 4 2.1 2,978 ft2 Yes
Colonial 2 4 2.1 2,697 ft2 Yes
French Provincial 4 2.1 3,224 ft2 Yes
Georgian 4 2.1 2,413 ft2 Yes
Georgian 2 4 2.1 3,048 ft2 Yes
Georgian 3 4 2.1 3,006 ft2 Yes
Harrington 3 2.0 2,335 ft2 Yes
Heritage 4 2.1 2,241 ft2 Yes
Highland 4 2.1 2,166 ft2 Yes
Prescott 4 2.1 2,432 ft2 Yes
Tiffany 4 2.1 2,664 ft2 Yes
Williamsburg 4 2.1 2,515 ft2 Yes
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