Seabury model in Weathersfield, Schaumburg, IL, Real Estate

The Seabury is a 1,277 ft2 single family home model with 3 bedrooms and 2.1 bathrooms.

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Other Models in Weathersfield

Model Beds Baths Size Basement
Arlington 3 2.1 1,600 ft2 None
Berkshire 4 2.0 1,144 ft2 Partial
Beverly 3 1.0 962 ft2 None
Bostonian 3 2.1 1,600 ft2 None
Bourne 3 1.1 1,345 ft2 None
Bradford 3 2.0 1,278 ft2 None
Braintree 3 2.0 1,144 ft2 Partial
Brewster 3 2.0 1,186 ft2 English
Brockton 2 2.0 1,374 ft2 None
Brookline 4 2.0 1,664 ft2 Walkout
Cambridge 3 1.1 1,200 ft2 None
Carrollton 3 2.1 1,452 ft2 None
Carver 3 2.0 1,600 ft2 None
Chatham 3 2.1 1,784 ft2 Partial
Concord 3 1.1 None
Concorde 3 1.1 1,400 ft2 Partial
Easton 3 1.0 1,000 ft2 None
Essex 3 1.1 1,386 ft2 None
Fairfield 4 1.1 1,125 ft2 None
Fairview 3 2.0 1,600 ft2 English
Fantasia 3 2.0 1,665 ft2 None
Fredricks 4 3.1 2,628 ft2 Full
Hyannis 4 2.1 2,383 ft2 None
Hyannisport 4 2.1 1,470 ft2 Full,Walkout
Hyannisport Expanded 4 2.1 2,710 ft2 Partial,Walkout
Kingston 3 1.0 1,541 ft2 None
Lexington 3 2.0 1,041 ft2 Partial
Nantucket 4 2.1 2,592 ft2 None
Newport 4 1.1 1,249 ft2 Partial
Provincetown 4 2.1 2,299 ft2 None
Sagamore 3 1.1 1,700 ft2 Walkout
Salem 3 1.1 1,140 ft2 None
Seville 4 3.0 2,400 ft2 Full,Walkout
Standish 3 2.0 1,268 ft2 Partial
Weston 3 1.0 988 ft2 None
Show all 35 models

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Recent Sales of the Seabury model in Weathersfield

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