The Melrose Park Station area currently has 21 single family homes for sale with an average list price of $307,881, 4 condos for sale with an average list price of $196,250, and 1 lot for sale with a list price of $36,000 that are within a mile. The average annual property tax for The Melrose Park Station area is $6,138.
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Winston Park is a single-family home community in Melrose Park, Illinois, built between 1952 and 1964. It currently has no homes for sale. The homes range in size from 1 ft2 to 2,863 ft2. The average annual property tax for Winston Park is $5,322. It is located in Cook county. Winston Park is a single family home neighborhood built in the 1950's. WInston Park is located in Melrose Park, Illinois south of North Street and west of 1st Avenue.
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