Yorktown model in 14th Colony, Batavia, IL, Real Estate

The Yorktown is a 2,100 ft2 model with 4 bedrooms and 2.1 bathrooms. Built by Equity Builders.

Other Models in 14th Colony

Model Beds Baths Size Basement
Charleston 4 2.1 2,100 ft2 Yes
Maryland Colonial II 4 2.1 2,150 ft2 Yes
New Bedford 3 1.1 1,729 ft2 No
New Englander 4 2.1 2,060 ft2 Optional
New Hampshire Cottage 4 2.1 1,800 ft2 Yes
New Salem 4 2.1 2,116 ft2 Yes
Pennsylvania Homestead 3 2.0 1,962 ft2 No
Victorian 4 2.1 2,150 ft2 Yes
Western Cambridge I 3 2.0 1,568 ft2 Yes
Williamsburg 3 2.0 1,530 ft2 Optional
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